FMP-The Use of Red Reveal

In my final work I used a physical phenomenon: only colored light of the same color as glass can pass through colored glass. Transparent objects can only transmit light of the same color as their own, and other colors of light are absorbed by it. In other words, different colors of glass can only receive the same color as their own light. So based on this physics knowledge, I tried to apply this technique to my work.

The way I chose is red reveal. First of all, I checked a lot of related records and pictures, such as how to make a red reveal. The main ones are two colors, red and blue. After writing the text in these two colors at the same time, you can clearly see the words written in blue by wearing glasses with the same color as the red. This is because the red light reflected by the red font disappears visually after passing through the red glasses. The blue light cannot penetrate the red glasses, so it is displayed as clear writing in black.

In this way, it can fully reflect the meaning I want to convey. It also fits my design philosophy. It enables the audience to clearly use the interactive device to see what the work wants to express.


I am a little cute


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